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Update anyone?

How are things going at your house?

How are you coping/thriving?

ADHD symptoms are always very evident at our house, but they have been even more evident because of circumstances lately.  If I told you all I've had to do, all I've dealt with during this latest situation, you'd nod your heads along.  You've been there.

ADHD & Klinefelter married to OCD spouse

This is my first time telling the truth in a forum or even saying it out loud to anyone other than my wife. It might be too late since I think my marriage is over - my wife seems anxious to label me as irrevocably selfish and emotionally disconnected and is thinking of it as an escape.

New to this Forum

Hi everyone

I wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Phillipa, I am 62, been married 42 (!) years to M.

Our son was diagnosed with ADHD at age 8 and has since (through treatment) become an incredible, high-functioning and happy adult.

Somehow we never got a formal diagnosis for M. although the signs were always there (inability to keep a job, distracted, no empathy, very argumentative, impuslive, blurts out inappropriate things, lies, hyper-focuses on computer...)

Disturbing safety concerns when parenting. Spouse in denial. Help!

My husband was diagnosed with ADHD. He's always been chaotic, disorganised, forgetful, late didn't make the best choices ect. But before we had kid's it wasn't a huge deal for me.  Don't get me wrong, he did massive damage to our relationship, but it wasnt a life or death thing. He was very happy, fun, laid back, and didn't have a problem with me being the organized one. I was young and naive. 
