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Hoping it’s not to late

I have been married for over 20 years. I was diagnosed almost two years ago and just started taking medication a little over a month ago. My wife had been telling/asking me to get help for as long as I can remember. I always asked why there's nothing wrong with me. Boy was I wrong. My wife is the love of my life and the reality of what I put her through all these years is heartbreaking. I had an online affair....I checked out on our marriage for awhile I was never home and left her to take care of our two young children and the household. Then she got pregnant with our third child.

Marriage issues lead to diagnosis, now time for healing

Hi everyone, just read the book, now joined the forum.

I'd been a stay at home dad for a few years now, thinking I was being self-sacrificing and doing the right thing, giving myself too much credit tbh - when I now realize I was just escaping the stress ADHD created in my professional life. Seeking to be my own boss, own my own organization attempts. Well it turns out a lot of that backfired and I became increasingly controlling and irritated (and scary) causing wife and family to pull back, and it finally came down all at once.

ADHD part of Autism

Hi everyone 

ive been posting about my partner who has been diagnosed with ADD. We are separated and he got diagnosed after we separated. I didn't realise he had ADD whilst we were together mainly because he very tactfully made everything my fault and I believed him. Nwys after much overthinking I've realised he also has symptoms of Autism. Has anyone else experience with their Adhd partners also having autism? He's high functioning and nobody believes he has ADD let alone anything else. He masks it very well.

Husband of 10 years changes personality on medication (dexamphetamines, Tentin)

My husband, we've been together 10 years has recently been diagonsed with ADHD (a lot fell into place) but the medication has changed him over the last 6 months.

Not for the better, apart from he does a little bit more around the house in terms of housekeeping, but that's the only improvement. 

He also smokes about a gram of weed per day (we live in the Netherlands where this is legal) 

When to call it quits with ADHD partner :(

I just came across this community and felt like it might be helpful to share my story / current situation.  I've been in a 6.5 year relationship with a VERY ADHD partner.  We were best friends for almost 10 years before we started dating (since high school)....we have a lot of the same interests, he makes me laugh, is fun, smart, hardworking, and one of my favorite people.  However, the relationship has literally never been easy.  I feel like we have had to work so hard at it and it's honestly just exhausted me [beyond repair, I'm worried].

Dueling ADHD

So both my wife and I have ADHD.

It's never really been a problem.  She became an ER physician (Spend 5 minutes with each patient, high intense) and I'm in IT (Multiple things happening at once and also intense)
She was an only child (center of attention), I was an abused child (never given attention).
I'm an extrovert and she's an introvert
I'm good in numbers, she's good in words and concepts.

When people describe us, they universally use two descriptions.
We are opposites and she is very pretty  (yeah, I think it's funny also)

Is it advisable to suggest ADD to my partner who shows the signs?


I'm in a relationship of a year and a half with a man whom I suspect has ADD, or ADHD, it confuses me what might be most accurate.

Signs include hoarding/disorganization, risk taking, impulsive (showing in insensitive comments and other ways) RSD reactions to any issue I express unhappiness about in the relationship)....
