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Spouse deep in denial despite diagnosis

I am looking for some support and answers regarding diagnosis and denial.  A psychiatrist diagnosed my husband a few years ago with ADD yet my husband is in deep denial and refuses to seek treatment or see how his behavior affects others.  He believes he is "managing" just fine. After many arguments and broken promises, I felt I had no option but to enable him by taking on the finances, children, home, calendar, estate planning, investments, initiating sex, planning time for us to be together, etc. Many of these tasks cannot just go undone.

I am new here, hello!



I am new here and my partner Archie has only just being diagnosed with ADHD [he is 45] even though we have been together for ten years and I have suspected for a long time that this was one of his traits.

I have got a lot of different questions and information I would like to gather!.....but my first question is a bit random, I am hoping someone might help:

I am an ADHD wife... got any thoughts for me? My husband doesn't have any interest in learning about ADHD...

I have been married for 33 years. My ADHD was only diagnosed about 6 years ago. It explained a LOT of things to me and reduced my self-blame and 'beating myself over the head with a baseball bat' tremendously. I'd always thought I 'only needed self-discipline' (for better follow-through) and figured it had to be some sort of character flaw in me that had me so scattered. (actually I bought into the whole "dumb blonde" thinking before that was no longer PC, but that's another story)

Role of the Mother-in-Law

I will post this quick since I have got to get out of the house but I am wondering if anyone else has this experience....

I have begun seeing a pattern and it is making me crazy! My fiance grew up in a very "accepting" household and by accepting I mean blind support for anything he wanted to do....I am talking when he was an adolescent here. He even dropped out of high school and his mother though he shouldn't but it was okay so long as it made him happy.

Childhood influence on current adhd behaviour

My husband has untreated adhd. He was tested two years ago as a make up gesture after yet another big fight. Despite of the diagnose he refused to accept it. Whenever I brought it up he got really upset so about a year and a half ago I decided to change my strategy. I no longer talked about his adhd but I made sure he got all the information he needed on the subject.

Just so done with it

My husband has ADHD and rage attacks, and today he pushed too far and I'm just done dealing. He decided to rage out (for no reason, really none) at our 19 year old son. Our son stood up for himself and husband kept pushing, raging, and eventually got physical. Yep, I had the "pleasure" of watching my husband and my child beating the piss out of one another.

My younger son (how I hate that he even had to be involved in this) and I pried them apart only to have husband continue rage verbal attacks and again get physical. And again we got them apart.

Can things get better? How do I help him?

Hi! I am 35 and married to a man with ADHD. After reading the post here I already feel encouraged and it has helped me understand my husband more easily. However, I do need your help and advice. I married my husband less that a year ago...I have three children from a previous marriage. He is 32 and this is his first serious relationship. He wowed me with heartfelt promises and he is very kind and loving man. After about three months I realized that I probably had not married the man than I thought I had.

What can I do to save my marriage and help my husband?

Hi! I am 35 and married to a man with ADHD. After reading the post here I already feel encouraged and it has helped me understand my husband more easily. However, I do need your help and advice. I married my husband less that a year ago...I have three children from a previous marriage. He is 32 and this is his first serious relationship. He wowed me with heartfelt promises and he is very kind and loving man. After about three months I realized that I probably had not married the man than I thought I had.

Job Loss # 10

There he was agian, for the tenth time in our four year marriage, standing in the door a box under his arm, with a  fearful expression on his face...I knew what he was about to say. At that moment I remained calmed gave him a hug and told him every thing would be's just a job, you'll find another,  like before.
