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Vicious Cycle

I have upset my wife for what seems to be the umpteenth time. She came out to speak to me and I was playing a game on my phone. I realized too late that I wasn't paying attention, but by then all hell had broken loose. I made the mistake of trying to tell her that she needed to tell me when I was distracted, but I did so out of frustration and this only made things worse. Now she's bringing up all the ways I've wronged her in the past and I don't know how to get us to move forward.

Help,my wife will not admit she might have adhd

Hello all,I am here because I believe my wife has adhd. I've been with my wife for 5 years now,and many things have come out of hiding since then. Here are a list of issues that are doing damage to our relationship. 

*Her memory is terrible, she Forgets everything, loses things,always leaving her credit card in the card,or on the floor or anywhere but her purse.

Tips for nipping hyper-focus in the bud?

Things have been great with my husband for the past few years.   However, he recently started playing music again and is quickly slipping into obsession.   Last night, he changed the strings on his guitar and then spent the next hour strumming it in the next room, when I finally brought up that he was annoying me, he insisted I couldn't hear it because it wasn't turned on, then he insisted that it wasn't as long as I was saying it was (of course, once it got annoying I started timing it because I knew this argument would come), then he went into the next room and continued to play it and ac

Finally a pain diagnosis--but how can I get ADHD wife to tone down the stress?

For years, we have been going to doctors and ERs because our 13-year-old (with ADHD and lots of other issues) complained of severe pain, only to be told that they could not find anything wrong.  Our new pediatrician said we should see a pediatric rheumatologist.  After an hour and a half of probing and asking questions, she said that it is Amplified Muscular-Skeletal Pain Syndrome (AMPS).  She specifically said that it is caused by stress.  She also said some kids with the condition couldn't even go to school because the pain is so bad.  Treatment includes regular exercise, massaging areas

He turned his decision making off

My ADHD husband and I have had issues for years.  He's always known he had it.  He was diagnosed in the 80s-90s with ADD and took meds as a child.  Somewhere a long the line he stopped taking meds and his mom just took care of everything.  We were married when he was 27 and then I began taking care of everything.

I Don't Know What To Do? Help! Please! :(

Hello Everyone! I am new to this forum. I've read so many stories similar to my relationship. I am not married to my significant other but we act like we are. I am in a loving relationship with my boyfriend for almost three years. When we first started dating, he had everything under control (A Job, Rental House, Car, Goals, Motivation) But when COVID-19 hit, it really messed him up. He lost his job which he hated any way.

How do I help my ADHD Partner if they don’t know what they want?

Hello folks, just found this forum and looking for some new perspectives. 

My partner and I have been together over two years, they have ADHD and I'm in the process of seeking a diagnosis because I may think I have it as well. My partner and I are very in love and have top-tier communication, always able to talk out everything and explore solutions in gentle, effective ways. 

Wife about done with me

Hey all,  I'm new here so go easy lol.  First of all, I know most of the problems in my marriage I brought on myself.  I have been diagnosed, and I do take meds.  I've made some mistakes I'm not ready to fully discuss.  For the last maybe year, my drinking has gotten worse (bad coping skill I know), and so has my ADHD.  My wife has slowly started withholding affection and intimacy from me.  She says she's "guarding" herself.  I have stopped drinking and plan on doing so for a few months at least.  Anyway,  things have gotten pretty bad lately and it's hard to communicate.  If I talk about m
