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In denial

I'm pretty sure that my husband is showing ADHD symptoms, but he doesn't think so.

I've tried giving him examples and all he says is that " he's special " then tries to laugh it off. And will say he's not ADHD.

How do i get him to realize what he does is affecting our relationship, I don't want us to split up, we've only been married 18 months, but as it stands at the moment, because life has become difficult and I'm also going through some hormone changes being Peri-menopausal, he blames a lot of the way we feel on me, and i don't know how much i can cope with this.

ADHD spouse walked out - any chance of recovery?


My partner walked out on our 25 year marriage 4 weeks ago. He was diagnosed with ADHD in May after our adult sos diagnosis, and is still waiting to start the medication process. We have been having problems in our marriage for a while now and were trying to reconnect. More unsuccessfully than i realized.  I now feel having found Melissa's book that I was so fixated on healing the disconnection that I was probably unintentionally pressuring him into doing things with me rather than give him the space he may have needed to heal.

I feel like the therapist is on his side...

My partner and i started couples therapy this year. After countless sessions and ALOT of money spent I feel like I have not gained anything from the therapist..When I found Melissa's book I cried and felt this rush of emotions realising this whole time I wasn't making things up and that my anger and frustrations are a direct cause of my partners ADHD. 

The weight of guilt


Sooooo....finally gathered the guts to write about this. I'm fairly new here and discovered the site after our marriage counselor advised me (and hopefully later on my wife) to read The ADHD Effect on Marriage about 2 weeks ago. I've been reading like crazy and gotta say it's quite a slap in the face. No wait, more like a brick. But in a good way I guess. I'm a Dutch 43 year old married father of two boys (5 and 2). I was diagnosed about 10 years ago and got treatment for a short while right after that and started using medication.

How do I get my husband to keep his phone with him?

My husband was diagnosed with ADD last year, and started using alarms on his phone to keep himself on track.  It is much more successful than anything else he has tried and I'm grateful for that.  The problem is he's constantly setting his phone down and walking off.  Or forgetting to grab it in the morning.  So several times a day I hear (or an awakened by) an alarm that I have to hunt down in the house and deliver to him.

My ADHD Partner Broke Up With Me and Need Insight

6 years of a domestic partnership down the drain after a recent stressor came to the forefront. I can't make sense of any of it. My partner (28F) broke up with me (38F) this past week. This is the second time. The first time was due to what she says is this crippling fear of the future and not being able to "get there." That first time she was stressed from her job and this was prior to diagnosis. She said she felt like she needed to be on her own and do her own thing. It was devastating and I took it hard and I accepted it.
