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Is love enough?


I've been struggling with this question. I think like all of you, I had the hyperfocused courtship which was ripped away and replaced with a desire to chase shiny things and find more and more discontent in the shiny thing he once was so excited about.

Im tired. I actually don't nag. I do walk on eggshells. And I've suffered tremendous pain, both from actions and words. I'm not good enough for him. Or not enough to take a close look at his own behavior. 

Ending the Chaos w/o ending the marriage

Scanning over the lists of post titles as I have fairly often the past nine years or so...The prevalent common theme is just desperate people seeking answers that might lighten the burden they find them selves under because of failed communication attempts, and of course our view of why "spousal behaviors".

ADHD in marriage - starting out help

Hi Everyone! This is my first post on this site and in fact I don't post online much at all, certainly not about myself. I have only commented on one other user's post so far. I have tried to search to find helpful stories already posted, but decided to share my plight as we're all individuals, so here goes.


I met my wife 3 years 8 months ago, proposed 1 year 2 months ago and married her 4 months ago. And we've already both thrown the "D" word around more than once but I think I think it more than her - whenever I feel I'm not good enough and I'm holding her back.

Please explain / give examples of how to handle these situations

Hi.  New here.  My husband has ADHD.  He was diagnosed as a teen, didn't like and quit the medicine a couple of months later, and refuses to contemplate treatment of any sort now.  We've been together nearly 17 years, married almost 4years.  The same time we married, our (my) youngest moved out and we were alone for the first time since moving in together after 10 years long distance.  All of the behaviors I'm struggling with were there the whole time, but I tried to deal with them, thinking it was the stress of having 3 teenagers or trying to adjust to living together or just learning each

How do I repair the damage that I've done to my poor wife and begin to make it better?

Hi all,

Firstly, I'll start by saying that I've been browsing this forum for some time so thanks to each and every one of you who contributes. It's very powerful to read other people's stories and, rightly or wrongly, I take comfort in knowing I'm not alone.

So,a bit about me - 
