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ADHD and screen addiction

My husband and I have been married for 13 years and we have 2 kids (ages 11 and 3). My husband was diagnosed with ADHD last summer at the age of 36. He was prescribed medication which he took for about 6 months, then abruptly stopped taking it and said he didn't like the way it made him feel. His screen usage has always been a major issue throughout our relationship. When we first met it was video games. He would play every day for hours and hours.

If I could turn back time

I'm so tired. Tired of having the same arguments, tired of the loneliness, tired of always being the bad guy. Husband is diagnosed and usually takes medication. We've been together for 10 years, lived together for 7, married for 5. We have 6 kids, 3 his, 3 mine. My oldest is out of the house, my middle has Down syndrome, youngest is graduating this year. His oldest is out of the house (but has ADD), his middle has cut him off and lives with his mom full-time, his youngest is 16. Odds were stacked against us. I thought our love was strong enough to persevere. I should have known better.

Facing the Truth

This afternoon, I picked up my ADHD Effect on Marriage book again and read a bit. It is always so hard to read this book because my ADD husband refuses to seek any form of treatment, but says "it's just his personality". I married him and so I just need to deal with who he is. Plain and simple. It's very defeating. And the truth is....I spend every spare moment of my life trying to escape reality. I can't sleep at night. I'm depressed. I'm angry. I am very very isolated and alone in this. And I have 2 young children.

How to get them to remember what they did?

Dark times here.   My ADHD husband and I are currently dealing with a stressful situation with a neighbor.   At the beginning of this situation, I had him deal with it because he is more of a people person.  However, he screwed that up and put us in a situation where the neighbor is still wronging us and is now angry about the situation.   So I stepped in.   I'm the one dealing with the attorneys, I'm the one dealing with neighborhood groups, and I'm the one who is getting the brunt of this very serious problem. 

Wanting my ADHD ex fiancée back.

Recently my fiancee and I have broken up. I want to win her back. She had started to see another man in the middle of the night. She said she liked to be around him and insisted it was nothing more then a friendship. I eventually let my insecurities get the best of me and would overwhelm her asking questions and wondering why her tone was the same as when we first fell in love. The last time we were around each other we had a date and it went well. We had some drinks and I fell asleep. I woke later in the night to find her gone.
