Another connection and realization.
In therapy, anger is a topic I'm exploring.
Along with that, triggers. But there's more to it than just ADHD. Not everything is ADHD but it can be related...correlations. In my mind, everything is inter-connected if you look closely enough.
As I was looking at new motorcycles to buy, ( been years now )....I asked a friend who rides for an opinion. We were talking about horse power, torque and all kinds of motorcycle stuff which led me to tell a story about a coworker and friend I use to ride with...Here's my story ( unedited ).
"My co-worker owned a K100 for years ( I ended up buying it )...
and he bought a brand new K1200 as an upgrade.
He proceeded to over throttle on a man hole cover on a corner and high sided into the pavement. Really fucked up his shoulder that was already injured from being shot in Vietnam.
Then, he was down in the mountains in Northern California....and launched himself ( both wheels off the ground ) on a uneven piece of road and went endo with him and his bike together. Went the hospital for a week...punctured kidney...really fucked him up.
Needless to say, that power got him in was too easy to push it just a little too far ( because it's there) and he's a fantastic of the best I've ever known.
He went back down to an S airhead for twisties with a little less torque and power. Just too tempting to use what the bike has to offer.
I'm taking a lesson from him. My ( his ) old K100 had about 88 or 90 hp for a 1 liter 850cc with the same will be very responsive and less heavy. That was plenty of power for me before....I never felt underpowered although....A twin may not have the same torque. My K100 straight 4 had tons of torque!! "
Getting past the jargon. We were talking about high powered motorcycles that are factory reproduction racing bikes that you can buy off the showroom floor. Our egos are tempted...but the problem exists when there's that much power...and not to use it.
My story was about a Vietnam veteran who was shot, and nearly died in Vietnam. It was a horrific story of being ambushed in the jungle by Viet Cong. Almost his entire platoon was killed...he was lucky to even be alive.....age 18, just out of high school...been over there only two the hospital for over a year. He had PTSD, in the worst of ways. He also had anger issues...working with him for almost 10 years.
More to come.