I wish there were more resources for nons who need to co parent with ADHD co parents.
I find the stress and sorrow of this arrangement (read non arrangement) is clouding my life, making it extremely difficult to find peace and joy living alone.
Ive decided to not ever try to manage my ex or what he does on his time with children. Instead I deal with a complete void that they disappear into every week. I overburden myself to squeeze in all I can for them on my weeks.
The world is frightening and I’m just pretending I have any idea of how to model a life for them. All I wanted was a loving relationship to my ex, the kind of infinite security my parents could give me growing up.
I’m in contact with an old love from decades back. We’re just friends, but I feel such a need to go back inside a deep intimate relationship, I’m getting a little vulnerable around this sympathetic man. I wish I knew what to do.