Forum topic: what do u do next when u r at your have no more energy left

hi its me again this will be quick but im clinicaly depressed and have no energy left to surport my family (husband adhd and 3 children adhd ) ive surported and done everything in my power for them now im at a wall and everything ive done i feel i failed .

the children do not respect me and they just dont get it i need them now , but i know they cant help it but what do i do to not feel angry towards them when its not their fault ive failed.

my husband amazinly is noticing our crazy life we live and last nite he read same blogs and he said i realize how its hard for the non adhd spouse to cope.but does mean he will do anything now who knows

thankyou for reading i just dont know were us non adhd surporters do when u are at that lowest point in your life 

i love adhd so please dont get me wrong its just iam in ablack hole and its not their fault