Forum topic: Target Symptom

I watched a video once on ADHD, where it said:" ADHD is NOT a deficit of attention. What it IS, is an inability to redirect attention from one thing to another "

I wholeheartedly agree. This is exactly what it feels like is happening inside me and part of what's happening between my SO and I.

Yes, SO has ADHD too , but in an effort to do everything I can on my end, making sure she can get my attention is top on the list.

Even this morning she said that I'm addicted to my phone. That's not it. It part of my ADHD symptom of not being able to redirect my attention and being on it too long. Especially when I plugged into the Bluetooth where I can't hear her. 

We talked about this very thing and I told her it's not an addiction but this very symptom. She said she doesn't like using her ADHD as a crutch ( excuse ).

There are reasons and excuses. This is a reason but.....she also has my attention. The Bluetooth is still off and will be indefinitely when she's around. I managed just fine before when I didn't have that ability.