Forum topic: I'm falling apart

I have come to my wits end... I falling apart, suffocating & dying inside. I have a husband with ADHD. He self diagnosed himself and after researching ADHD and knowing what to say he got a doctor to get on his side and medicate him, even though he didn't quite score enough to get medicated. He blamed ADHD for all his problems. Never motivated, never wants to work and therefore can't earn an income to even feed his family, which has left me working 50 hrs a week trying to make ends meet, run a House and look after 2 small children. Our marriage has been a struggle from day 1. Nothing is ever his fault and I am always wrong. Of late I am called lazy cause I am not constantly on my feet cleaning, cooking etc or at work. When he does help. I am hounded as to why i am not constantly saying thanks, when i reply i get no thanks for doing anything his reply is... Thats your job. I even have to ask him to look after his own children, should I need to do the occasional thing on my own. I don't know what else to do. Discussed divorce however threatened that he will ensure I get nothing while continuing paying for everything. Am I the only one that feels like this. I am a nervous wreck almost at breakdown, even when I say this his reply is... It's all in your head. Get over it. :-(