Forum topic: GREAT iPhone apps for daily routines, to-do's & shopping lists


**I just found an iPhone app called "Home Routine". It is an app that has repeatable to-do lists for household tasks, can be separated into 'morning', 'afternoon', and 'evening' task lists that you can edit/personalise - and they reset each day so you never have to get overwhelmed writing daily to-do lists for the everyday routines. It also has the space for weekly tasks and, if you want to add one, monthly tasks... an extra feature is that it also separates the house into 5-7 different areas and you can choose to do 15mins 'focus time' in each area when you choose and tick off from their suggested to-do list (better than walking into the bedroom and thinking "right, now where do I start?")

**For all other to-dos that are one-offs I use the app called "2Do". This to-do list I use for general things that are not urgent and have no set date, and can date all other important timely ones... can personalise very well into different categories too...

**For shopping lists i use an app called "paperless" which is a basic check list - i find this one works so well because I only need to add each item once. when I cross it off it goes to the bottom of the list marked 'done', but when I need that item again instead of writing it in again, i just go to the bottom of the list and un-tick it and it jumps to the top... great... this app I have separated into three lists - 'grocery', 'other daily errands', and 'to get' (like laybuy's or things we want to get eventually and need to budget $ for)... I might even make a list of gift ideas to get for my partner and kids :)

I am recently diagnosed w ADD and find these apps help enormously. I feel I contribute more in our household and am being consistent with this. I have a very supportive partner and we sit down every morning to plan our to-do's for the day (errands etc) and combined with these apps I find I bug her less and support her more with all our household chores... am still trying to balance everything so I'm not exhausted each night, but feel more effective in what I do get done each day.