Forum topic: Context

A quick post about frustration and ADHD and an observation I made at work. The frustration is not mine but my employer's.

The woman I work with has ADHD. I've mentioned she's the apprentice in the shop. I've also mentioned that in my line of work....there's a structured hierarchy: apprentice, journeymen and master. In the tradition of the craft, the apprentice has a supporting role in support of the journeymen and master craftsman. They do all busy work and tasks that keep the others moving in flow so the entire shop will run smoothly and be more productive. 

It occurred to the other day, that there's somewhat of a reversal happening in the shop. It seems many times...the shop and all the senior craftsman are in support of her much of the time. The flow of available resource goes more towards her than the other way around.

My boss has labeled her ...her "problem child".

Just an interesting observation that's very easy for me to see in a different context.